How many such mugshots did I see over the 11+ years, while serving as a sex offender treatment provider on Psych staff within the PA Dept. of Corrections, with men who adopted such a look for the camera, while posing for their mugshots? Thousands of them! After you review enough of them, you begin to see a pattern emerge, a reliably consistent clinical and criminal profile emerges, between the kind of facial expression a man makes during his mugshot, the kind of crime he likely committed, his mental state at the time of booking, his psychological profile, and his overall criminal disposition and mindset. And, having reviewed hundreds of such criminal files in the course of my clinical work on prison psych staff, I have seen just such a look... the look Sam Brinto chose to give during his booking, after his arrest for stealing women's luggage, giving him direct access to their underwear... and, quite likely their identities and their contact information.
What do you see when you look at his face, and when you look into his eyes? Does this look like a humbled man? Does this look like a man who has finally hit bottom due to an addiction? No, this is the look you see on certain kinds of criminals. It is the look you see on the most brazen, bold, strategic, calculating, and defiant of criminals, especially those who've become uniquely sexually deviant.
Understanding the Characteristic Look of a Sophisticated Perpetrator's Mugshot
In his film debut (as seen below), Sam Brinton offers an acting performance worthy of an Oscar, which highlights his ability to boldly craft convincing lies. Should such an ability surprise us? No, as this is the same ability he and other such Agenda-driven activists employ. And, it is this ability to lie boldly, and deceive artfully, that allowsthis sexual deviant to shamelessly and repeatedly refer to himself as a "Survivor"... which is the ultimate insult to actual Survivors of sexual abuse. But, little would he care about true Survivors, anymore than he did about the feelings of the women he victimized... by stealing their luggage to gain access to their underwear, for his own deviant purposes of using their underwear to "get off" while no doubt watching very deviant porn, which likely included rape scenes. No, Sam Brinton was NOT abused, thus NOT a Survivor, as he cannot provide a shred of actual proof of that, and we certainly are not going to take the word of a first-class criminal, who has demonstrated he is a deceiver and a liar. No, Sam Brinton did NOT "survive" anything, as he evidences none of the genuine characteristics of an actual survivor. He simply grew in his self-entitled ego-driven shamelessness, fueled by years of progressively deviant porn, which has allowed him to perfect the ability to manipulate people's emotions, and effectively employ adept impression management skills.
This degree of deception, which is a key character trait of white collar psychopaths comes from years of practice, which usually starts early. Watch a master of impression management, from the biographical film, 'Catch Me If You Can', about professional con artist, Frank Abagnale, as he is able to pass himself off as a lawyer, a doctor, and an airline pilot, all before the age of 21, through an adept ability to pass himself off as believable and trustworthy. Then, watch Sam Brinton, as he tries out his own acting ability.
The similarities in skill level are uncanny. And, it is this ability to act "as if" that enabled Sam Brinton to act as if he was qualified, to go from an Agenda-driven nobody... who was strategically influencing & targeting young people via Trans Deceptive policies, to an Agenda-driven somebody, assuming the impressive role as the Energy Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, and receiving the highest of security clearances... who was using that powerful position to strategically influence & target young people from a very high federal government level.
This is why it should not surprise us that Sam Brinton, by means of his strategic position within the Trevor Project, would have ready access to the most vulnerable of minors who have untreated mental health issues. In such an activist position, he would be able to strategically craft and influence school policies and public perception in such a way that it would enable sexual predators easier access to minors, and to identify and groom vulnerable youth, by means of the Trans Deception's SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) Sex Ed materials, "resources", and "support services."
Episode #23 (pt. 2)
WARNING: Sexually Deviant Books In Your Children's School Library.
This is why it should not surprise us to discover that, prior to securing a strategic position of Activism and influence in the Trevor Project, that Sam Brinton was the principal officer for the Washington DC chapter of the religiously insensitive & blasphemous, sexually deviant,Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
Photos from events held by
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Sam Brinton demonstrated an adept ability to use impression management, while strategically using his positions of influence toward his sexually deviant personal and ideological ends, which is why it should not surprise us that, as was recently revealed by Matt Walsh (who produced the nationally acclaimed documentary, What is a Woman'), during a particular segment featuring Matt Walsh's about Sam Brinton, revealed that in 2015, Sam Brinton "wrote an article in the Advocate, the gay activist magazine, where [Sam Brinton] defended a website called 'Rentboy,' which had been shut down by the Feds for facilitating underaged prostitution [of young males]... He argued that the sexually deviant website, which encouraged the sexual exploitation of young males, called, 'Rent Boy', was performing a service, by giving young people a way to earn a living by selling their bodies."
What is so concerning about such a revelation about Sam Brinton's background of extreme sexual deviance, and his advocacy toward activities that lower the bar regarding the protection of minors against sexual grooming, sexual abuse, and exploitation/trafficking, is that, in the documentary, 'The Boy Business: A pedophile ring in Amsterdam... which reveals unnerving details regarding how sophisticated pedophiles manage to gain access to vulnerable male minors... whose profiles are virtually identical to large percentage of the vulnerable young males within the Trans Movement... young males, including pre-pubescent boys, from the streets of London (where the "transitioning" of minors has been aggressively pushed), many of whom are kidnapped, drugged, restrained, sexually used and abused repeatedly, and then trafficked in other countries, especially in Amsterdam. Such vulnerable minors, who are accessed, exploited, and sold by male pedophiles looking for younger and younger age male minors, are actually referred to as "Rentboys." (at the 17:30-21:40 section of the film, posted below).
Additionally, in the 1981 ground breaking documentary, 'Boys for Sale: Child Trafficking in the USA', many of the horrors faced by vulnerable male youth, due to the methods used to sexually use and exploit them by deviant predators, are revealed, which raises serious questions as to why Sam Brinton would actively defend the practice of the prostitution of minors. Despite the continued rise in the numbers of vulnerable youth over the past 40 years since the making of that documentary, the stark realities of the dangers of at-risk young males being exploited by sophisticated and powerful predators is still just as real. Which is why it is all the more telling and suspect that Sam Brinton would advocate for the website Rentboy, and for the unhindered practice of the sexual exploitation of such at-risk youth via prostitution.
As an MIT graduate, we must conclude that Sam Brinton is bright. Therefore, we cannot excuse away his clear and transparent attempts to preserve and protect the practice of the sexual exploitation of vulnerable minors. He knows the reality of what happens when young people enter into prostitution, and what happens when lobbyists, such as Sam Brinton, are successful in not only protecting the vile practice, but in achieving its legalization.
This is why there is simply no way around the reality that Sam Brinton actively supports the sex trafficking of young vulnerable minors... the very population the Trevor Project seeks to access. Given the reality that: (1) sexual predators will use the pretense of modeling and acting opportunities (as seen at the 22:46 mark of the documentary on sex trafficking of minors in Europe), to lure vulnerable young people into situations where they will be "introduced" into prostitution (the Trevor Project's headquarters is located in West Hollywood... a meca for young, vulnerable youth looking for a was to break into modeling or acting... a location that is quite the expensive area for a non-profit interesting in being wise financial stewards with its financial contributions), (2) pimps and "pushers" are specifically using the Trans Movement to target vulnerable gender-confused youth, and (3) sexual predators are inevitably interested in having their prostitutes looking "newer" (code for "younger", as described by those who've worked in legal brothels), it now makes sense why Sam Brinton would be so interested in: (1) gaining direct access to such vulnerable gender confused youth, (2) pushing policies and sexually deviant materials on school kids designed to facilitate the sexual grooming of such vulnerable youth, and (3) pushing puberty blockers for such vulnerable minors, keeping them looking young for as long as possible (appearing to be pre-pubescent).
There is simply too much that points to the dark and twisted of sexual deviance to which Sam Brinton has descended, and the twisted desires and deviant Agenda that truly motivates him. After all, we clearly know Sam Brinton is extremely saturated in sexual deviance, that his sexual deviance has become so profoundly entrenched that it has taken him to new levels of criminality, that he is able to lie boldly and convincingly, and that he has an advanced ability to strategically lie to law enforcement and the public, like the best of criminal minds and white collar psychopaths.
So, given Sam Brinton's level of sexual perversion and deviance, given his intense interested in facilitating the exact kind of policies and activities that make minors easier prey for predators, and furthers the agendas and opportunities of sexual predators and sex traffickers, and given the brazen look of defiance he exuded in his mugshot, it couldn't be that Sam Brinton is interesting in facilitating the sexual grooming, exploitation, and trafficking of vulnerable minors? Couldn't be what it looks like, right?
(2) demonstrated he has saturated himself in a steady diet of extremely sexually twisted and deviant pornography,
(3) demonstrates, by virtue of his participating in "pup play" that he has accessed bestiality porn,
(4) spent years working with organizations where he, and sophisticated sexual predators, would have direct access to vulnerable minors, many of whom are runaways and have previously been sexually abused and exploited,
(5) worked energetically to influence policies and legislation that increases the likelihood that sexual predators will have easier access to vulnerable minors, to abuse and exploit them,
(6) and that he wrote in defense of a website dedicated to the prostitution and trafficking of male minors for adult male sexual predators and traffickers,
(7) has a significant history of wearing women's underwear,
(8) has a criminal history of stealing women's luggage, and their underwear,
it is little wonder that Sam Brinton would advocate for, and aggressively push, the kind of sexually deviant material on school children, which will sexually groom minors, leaving them easy targets for sexual predators.
And, in addition to enabling deviant adults to sexually groom minors, is it any wonder why Sam Brinton advocates for the legalization and legitimization of prostitution, and is in favor of young people to trying as a career option?
This is why sophisticated Pushers of the Trans Deception's financial "special interests",and sexually deviants and perpetrators, such as Sam Brinton, do NOT want people watching the following video, as they attempt to hide the their efforts toward "introducing" such vulnerable young people into the world of prostitution. Sam Brinton, and the other Trans-pushing special interests, know the reality of what happens when young people "try out" prostitution as a supposed legitimate career option, and they know what always happens whenever prostitution is normalized, legitimized, and legalized.
So, what does look in Sam Brinton's mugshot tell me, as someone who has conducted 100s of Risk Assessments and Parole Psych Evals? It tells me that, the same sophisticated sexual deviant, Sam Brinton... who strategically used his position at the Trevor Project to undermine parental authority, to lower the bar re. child protection, and who found a brilliant way of sexually grooming kids via deviant sex ed curriculum... who was no doubt using his strategic executive appointment to a key position within the US Dept. of Energy to craft additional policies and procedures which would further permit sexual predatory men direct access into the private spaces of women and children... received the most laughable of all sentences by a judge, and, as a result, will likely feel even more empowered to acting upon the twisted and dangerous fantasies of those men who have immersed themselves in the dark underbelly perversions of the Trans Activists. Given his level of intelligence (he graduated from MIT), and with the strategically useful connections he has no doubt made over the years, we will likely not see what he will now become engaged in, in terms of the true levels of his sexual deviance.
The average person would think this would be the moment that Sam Brinton hits bottom. But, how could this judge not understand what this look means, as he has, no doubt, seen 100s of such mugshots? To the average person, who has not had the opportunity to work in an in depth fashion with the sophisticated criminal mind, who does not understand the pathway into sexual deviance, who would likely not understand the difference between a sexual addiction, a "fetish", and sophisticated sexual psychopathy, it would be understandable that the important distinction might not be made.
But, this is why I assert the judge should have known better... should have understood the significance of the look Sam Brinton gave for his mugshot... should have seen that, for once, we see the unscripted Sam Brinton. And, any forensic professional called upon to assess the level of risk posed by Sam Brinton, should also have understood this too, and properly have assessed this man to be the high risk that he is, as Sam Brinton clearly fits the clinical criteria for the latter.
The Relationship Between Sexual Deviance and Sexual Psychopathy
What do I see in such a mug shot, and what do I anticipate will be the outcome from this anemic and extremely ill-advised judicial decision? I see that a man named Sam Brinton, who revealed the same brazen and defiant look that I have seen countless times in the mugshots of the recalcitrant sophisticated white collar sexual psychopath. His is the classic look of the profoundly defiant sexual deviant who is showing a middle finger to the camera with his eyes, who is simply regrouping, and calculating his next move on the chess board of his mind. His is the look that reveals a mind that has progressed beyond sexual deviance, and is now sexually predatory, from being immersed in years' worth of progressively dark pornography and from his involvement in extremely twisted sexual activity. And, his look is one that reveals a profoundly sexually twisted and sadistic mind... which is why he teaches courses to other sexual psychopaths on how to enact, among other things, sexual sadism and bestiality. I hope I am wrong, for the safety of women and minors. But, my years of working clinically in Prison with the likes of Sam Brinton, my experience tells me otherwise.
In the following video, containing the audio portion of the Dec. 21, 2022 program of the Todd Herman Show, national talk show radio host, Todd Herman interviews Clinical Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, regarding the clinical profile of Sam Brinton.
Shortly after the news broke of Sam Brinton's first arrest for stealing a woman's luggage (to gain access to her underwear), I was interviewed by Ken McClenton, President of TECN.TV, over my concerns regarding Sam Brinton's actions, which was recorded shortly after the news of his first arrest:
The Dangers of Promoting Sexually Deviant Men into Positions of Power.
After the news broke of Sam Brinton's second theft of a woman's luggage within the span of 4 months, (the luggage contained her underwear and personal information), I once again was interviewed by Ken McClenton, of TECN.TV, where I shared a further clinical analysis of Sam Brinton in the following video:
The Profile of a Sophisticated Perpetrator:
A Sex Offender Treatment Provider's Assessment of Sam Brinton.
Readers in the UK can access the video here: UK Version
It is worthy of noting that, despite the extent to which Sam Brinton pushed the limits, and wore women's underwear and drag for government photo ops and gala events as those were of strategic value toward pushing his deviant Agenda, Sam actually does know how to dress appropriately, in very much normal male attire, when it is to his advantage. Notice how he dresses and responds during his trip to court? And, he even went without lipstick. Quite the tactical move. For sophisticated sexual deviants like Sam Brinton, it is all about strategic impression management.
To understand the dangers of the kinds of policies pushed by the likes of the sexual deviant Sam Brinton, that are currently being used to sexually groom minors via so-called SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) Sex Ed curriculum and school policies, and the activities that are being held on school campuses with parental knowledge, such as the GSA (Gay StraightAlliance) clubs, being used to groom vulnerable minors, visit the SOGI International Task Force, for information intended to empower parents to protect their kids from the Pushers of the Trans Deception, and how to take their schools back from those who would seek to sexualize young children and influence troubled teens.
How is pornography being used, by the Pushers of the Trans Deception, to influence teen boys into the Trans Deception?
What influences are contributing to teen girls entering into the Trans Deception?
For an indepth look at the Agenda behind the Pushers of the Trans Deception:
The Predatory Agenda called the Trans Movement
Strategic Methods of Manipulation used by Pushers of the Trans Deception:
Using language to control the narrative.
Jon K. Uhler, LPC reveals what schools are hiding from parents, which is making it easier for predators to access and groom their children:
Jon K. Uhler's 4-pt interview on how predators grooming their "targets of opportunity.":
What is Grooming? (Pt. 1)
Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Specialist.
What is Grooming? (Pt. 2)
Understanding the Minds, Motives, and Methods
of Sophisticated Sexual Predators.
What is Grooming? (Pt. 3)
Understanding the Strategic Planning of Sophisticated Predators.
Thanks for your very frank interview with Benjamin Boyce. I am a trans widow, authored and published a memoir, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse 2022) and have a new youtube channel, Ute Heggen, as well as a blog, I hope we might interview. You can contact me at (I also write children's books under Lea Utsira) You are doing God's work. Ute
I look forward to connecting. And, thanks for standing up for another group of people who are being harmed by the Trans Deception, the wives of deviant unfaithful men.
Your blog stands out as a literary gem, skillfully merging insightful narratives with a personal flair. Each post embarks on a captivating expedition, harmoniously blending information with a distinct viewpoint. Your knack for sparking contemplation and fostering connection is truly praiseworthy. I eagerly await more enriching content that consistently resonates. Keep up the exceptional work your blog is a haven of unique perspectives and compelling storytelling.
Within this piece lies a treasure trove of insights waiting to be unearthed, painting a vivid picture of its subject matter without revealing its name outright. The author's skillful storytelling effortlessly draws readers in, keeping them engaged till the very end. I found myself nodding along in agreement, struck by the relevance of the ideas presented. It's a testament to the writer's talent to provoke contemplation and leave a lasting impression.
Read Article A High School student killed an older man because the guy, dressed up as a women, tricked him, so the young man shot the male deceiver to death.... and, then some. Does this excuse murder? No, of course not. But, was this a case of a Trans dude... a guy who wore women's underwear, drag, and hid 100% of his identity... minding his own business, being selected, targeted, and gunned down because he was a cross-dressing guy, who was simply minding his own business? Was this a Transphobic hate crime, spurred on by a young man who was filed with hate for such different than him? Hardly. Yet, that's how this story is attempting to be spun by Trans Activists and their accomplices in the media, who push the deceptive slogan "Love is Love." What we have here is not an innocent Trans, but a sexual predator, who was in the process of grooming and manipulating the mind of a high school student... who he simply misjudged. The sexual predator in dr... Having worked intensively in prison over the span of 11+ years with 1000s of perpetrators comprising the full range of sex offenders... having started the first intensive psychiatric treatment program in the US in a prison setting for men in long-term solitary confinement... having logged more clinical contact hours in solitary confinement than any other prison psychology in the US... having overseen treatment for one of the PA Dept. of Correction's High Intensity Sex Offender Treatment Units for SVPs (Sexually Violent Predators)... having been forensically Certified to produce clinical assessments of sexual predators for civil commitments by means of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist... and, having conducted hundreds of sex offender risk assessments and parole forensic psychological evaluations, what would this predator...
As a licensed Professional Counselor of nearly 30 years experience, who worked extensively with Survivors of sexual abuse and troubled teens in residential treatment (labeled Severely Emotionally Disturbed), and sexual predators, what is my concern with the Trans Movement? Simply that it is a massive lie, a contrived and fraudulent agenda-driven Movement, an incredibly nefarious deception... being pushed by nefarious “special interests” (namely select greedy doctors , biomedical companies , big pharma , select drug makers , social engineers , and Sexual Predators), which is predicated upon a man-made psychological myth... being strategically marketed by means of the techniques borrowed by some of the most sophisticated of cults (such as Scientology and NXIVM)... being promoted via the deception of “gender fluidity,” which is preying upon confused and vulnerable kids... leaving them physically, emotionally, ...
The Trans Movement is wreaking havoc on countless lives, with relatively few of us mental health professionals willing to call this what it is... the greatest man-made psychological lie, scheme, and scam ever foisted upon vulnerable young people with untreated mental health issues. The 13 so-called professionals ( there are serious doubts in my mind that any of them should be called "professionals," since they played a pivotal in launching this ruse ), who comprised the DSM 5 working group for Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder s (pg 10 in the DSM 5) , facilitated the manufacturing of this darkened cult-like scheme, by appearing to be moderate, objective, and "reasonable"... which simply has enabled unethical "Transgender Medical Professionals" to bill for "treatments" related to so-called "Transgender" issues. When it comes to the sterilization and amputation of young people with untreated mental health issues ( many of whom show e...
Transgender beauty contestant I couldn't be any more thankful to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation for their leadership in the area of protecting women and children from those who would seek to exploit them. Their recent post is such an important one, as it addresses the need to prevent the exploitation and trafficking of young people and vulnerable women. Read Article Such information is vital to understand, as sexual predators, especially the Trans Pushers, will lure emotionally hurting and vulnerable teens into exploitation and trafficking via the strategic methods of grooming, as can be found in SOGI ( Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity ) Sex Ed. Then, partnering with Planned Parenthood (the ultimate "Don't ask/Don't tell cover-up organization for a profit), such "targets of opportunity" are sexually manipulated into the customer-for-life medical and pharmaceutical sterilization and sex change fast-track program, as they become immersed...
Whether embedded in politics, in the ministry, in education, in the management/ownership of legal brothels, in Furries, in Drag, within the Trans Movement, within Hollywood, or within prison, sophisticated Predators understand the art of the spin, thus are inevitably all too predictable when it comes to “damage control”. Rare is the time they are not “on their game.” But, in such a rare instance of them being unmasked, of being busted for the calculating manipulator that they truly are, they will use a number of time-tested methods of manipulation, to ensure they still come out relatively unscathed. Should the profound manipulator ever find him/herself busted, you will see the art of the spin once again on display. Instead of being who they truly are... a self-confident, calculating, undeterred, goal-driven, calculating, master of manipulation… they will suddenly portray themselves as the exact opposite, as they can “turn on a dime.” By suddenly portraying ...
I would recommend a Google search on the subject of brain scans of psychopaths, as you will see there are distinct differences. In a nut shell, where the activity of a normal person’s brain demonstrates quite a bit of activity in the frontal and temporal regions when he/she experiences empathy, and little activity in the occipital region (the back back of the brain) where logical analysis occurs (which would indicate that empathy [and conscience for that matter] is an automatic visceral response for a normal person, and is not contrived or faked), the psychopath’s brain shows the exact opposite patterns. Though your question references the brains of serial killers (bloody psychopaths), I think it is important to point out that “white collar” psychopaths are much more prevalent, yet their brains would essentially look the same under a color brain imaging scan. So, when I speak on the subject, I tend to focus more on this type of predator’s brain, as this predator is more dangerous,...
The fundamental difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is their motivation, and the means they employ to obtain what they want. A sociopath is essentially all about sales and personal benefit, while a psychopath is all about self-promotion, power, control, dominance. The sociopath will weigh the benefits vs costs, and will opt for that which will make the most sense in terms of forward movement toward his goals. The psychopath will set his sights on something he deems will benefit him, and begin a strategic plan how best to accomplish the desired outcome. There is little thought to the cost, as he is confident in the outcome, as they will utilize whatever means necessary to ensure a favorable outcome for themselves. Lastly, in terms of the extent to which they will use and manipulate others, a sociopath will do so, as long as it makes sense, ensuring there’s no negative repercussions afterward. If things “unwind,” he will simply cut his losses and move on to the next opportuni...
Thanks for your very frank interview with Benjamin Boyce. I am a trans widow, authored and published a memoir, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse 2022) and have a new youtube channel, Ute Heggen, as well as a blog,
ReplyDeleteI hope we might interview. You can contact me at
(I also write children's books under Lea Utsira) You are doing God's work. Ute
I look forward to connecting. And, thanks for standing up for another group of people who are being harmed by the Trans Deception, the wives of deviant unfaithful men.
DeleteYour blog stands out as a literary gem, skillfully merging insightful narratives with a personal flair. Each post embarks on a captivating expedition, harmoniously blending information with a distinct viewpoint. Your knack for sparking contemplation and fostering connection is truly praiseworthy. I eagerly await more enriching content that consistently resonates. Keep up the exceptional work your blog is a haven of unique perspectives and compelling storytelling.
ReplyDeleteWithin this piece lies a treasure trove of insights waiting to be unearthed, painting a vivid picture of its subject matter without revealing its name outright. The author's skillful storytelling effortlessly draws readers in, keeping them engaged till the very end. I found myself nodding along in agreement, struck by the relevance of the ideas presented. It's a testament to the writer's talent to provoke contemplation and leave a lasting impression.