As it is a little unusual for someone to ask, I am wondering what might be prompting you to ask the question? Not that there is anything wrong with you asking, but it raises what are likely more important issues. My guess is that, given the question, you have had long-standing issues in dealing with your dad, likely generated by behaviors and attitudes he has exhibited over the years? If so, the question would be a reasonable one. However, I find that when anyone asks such a question, there is usually some context that has brought about the question. All terminology aside, the clinical term “psychopath” is simply another way of describing a profoundly selfish and myopic person, who has reached a point over time where they have no interest in changing their selfish, self-entitled, self-absorbed, myopic, hurtful, and, when push comes to shove, mean-spirited and ill-intended ways. Therefore, by removing the mystique of the clinical terminology, it may be easier for you to answer your ques...