Key Characteristics of Child Predators

From 11+ years of working intensively with child sex offenders, the following "behind the scenes insights are offered to provide reliable information about such predators. As can be understood from the following article, Sophisticated Pedophiles look for positions of power, trust, and respectability, from which they can most readily access access children while gaining the trust of adults. Read Article In terms of their profiles, Sophisticated Predators: * were not sexually abused as children, * do not misunderstand the nature of "Consent," * are very methodical and self-controlled, * are not impulsive, * are socially well-adjusted, * understand social cues and nuances, * have above-average IQs, * tend to be right handed (in contrast to a study that supposedly found pedophiles to be primarily left-handed), * have a positive self-image, * have a good self-esteem, * have effective communication skills, * do not suffer from mental health issues prior to arrest, * ha...