Why are churches easy hunting grounds for predators?
It is to those with misplaces sympathies (or worse) that we offer insight re. how the Lord, through the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:31, describes just exactly how we are to understand the heart, mind, and permanent character bent and disposition of the pedophile.
We previously posted the following, but it is important for us to repeat the following truth, that these uniquely depraved, dark, and twisted predators have reached the point of no return, as they have worked consistently and with focused energy... with eagerness and a diabolical drive... with an ever-increasing appetite for and immersion in warped, dark and deviant pornography... to reach such a deep and all-pervasive state of internal perversion and moral degradation that they:
1. refuse to understand (they have a mind that is now morally inverted; they have reached such a mental disposition that they are incapable of normal moral reasoning or understanding: they are forever inverted in their perspective toward morality and have neither a desire nor interest in thinking differently about right and wrong; they are completely settled within themselves that what they do is right),
2. are completely devoid of a conscience (the result of having purposefully, intentionally, and consistently violated their conscience to the point where they are free from the constraints of guilt)
3. fully intend to break their promises (they will say whatever they need to say, while looking someone straight in the eye while lying to them; driven by a desire to intentionally defraud others),
4. are absolutely heartless (have no empathy),
5. are loveless (devoid of any sense of care and concern for another person; devoid of normal human care, concern, or compassion, and secretly feels disdain and contempt for those who do have care, concern, and compassion for others), and
5. are ruthless/have no mercy (totally devoid of the capacity for mercy [leaving unchecked the growing drive and calculated intent to generate pain in another person]).
Not until we stop falling for the “crocodile tears” of the child sexual predator will we truly be able to start protecting kids and supporting survivors.
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