Why Are Red Flags Clearly Being Overlooked By Professionals... Thus, Leaving Young Gender-Confused Adults With Lifelong Scars?

As a licensed Professional Counselor of nearly 30 years experience, who worked extensively with Survivors of sexual abuse and troubled teens in residential treatment (labeled Severely Emotionally Disturbed), and sexual predators, what is my concern with the Trans Movement?   

Simply that it is a massive lie, a contrived and fraudulent agenda-driven Movement, an incredibly nefarious deception... being pushed by nefarious “special interests” (namely select greedy doctors, biomedical companies, big pharmaselect drug makerssocial engineers, and  Sexual Predators), which is predicated upon a man-made psychological myth... being strategically marketed by means of the techniques borrowed by some of the most sophisticated of cults (such as Scientology and NXIVM)... being promoted via the deception of “gender fluidity,” which is preying upon confused and vulnerable kids... leaving them physically, emotionally, and psychologically scarred. That is why I assert it is better called the Trans Deception. And, as the charts and graphs found throughout this blog will clearly reveal, this is not a "trend" or an "organic Movement," but a carefully orchestrated and brilliantly marketed scheme... leaving scarred young people in its wake. And, that is why I am calling upon my fellow mental health professionals, and all professionals who serve as Mandated Reporters, to take the public step, to say with me, "Enough is Enough!" of this grand deception that is targeting vulnerable young people, and leaving them emotionally and physically scarred for life. 

As you read through this blog post, take note of the many requests I have issued on Facebook, (since June 2020), for someone from certain select groups or populations to do a podcast with me, to address certain topics and issues. If you see the request, it simply means no one from that particular group, population, or profession has been willing to step-up and do a podcast with me to date. Let the significance of that sink in, for the implications are truly staggering.  Should anyone be willing to, I will remove the request, and replace it with the recorded podcast.

For additional information on what I am calling 'The Trans Deception,' please visit SurvivorSupport.net, which can be accessed via the following link: 

This grand deception being foisted upon young people is doing irreversible damage.  Speaking with a clarion voice is about this psychological lie which is doing untold damage to psychologically vulnerable young people is Abigail Shrier.

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Without accurate and reliable information, this man-made psychological deception will only continue to sky rocket in growth. Toward that end, I have provided a number of articles and videos at the outset, to give you a sense of what this Movement is really all about, and the harm it is perpetrating upon young people. And, as you will read, very dangerous sexual predators have embedded themselves within this Movement, and using this as a means of gaining access to vulnerable kids. 
Do you understand that the transitioning of kids is NOT a natural phenomenon or "trend," and those pushing this scheme understand what they are doing? This is a diabolical ruse, brilliantly hatched, expertly marketed, strategically unleashed world-wide.  This is simply the largest man-made psychological deception ever foisted upon vulnerable youth and their families. There is nothing real or legitimate about this... other than the tremendous harm being perpetrated upon vulnerable young people, which will leave them forever emotionally, psychologically, and physically scarred... and even sterilized... for the rest of their lives.

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The following documentary powerfully captures the damage done to people by the grand deception of transitioning.  Debbie (at the 2:00 min mark) describes the pain of awakening to the realization that she made a grand mistake in trying to deal with emotional issues with radical sex change treatments and surgery. You can see by the pain, why some simply opt for suicide, rather than have to come to terms with such a huge mistake, and that no professional tried to help her deal with her internal issues and struggles, to reach a point of self-acceptance and inner healing. Often times, the struggles stem from past sexual abuse. that has been deeply buried.

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Lisa Marchiano offers important insights in the following podcast interview.

Interestingly, when you connect the dots, you find an unmistakable correlation between when gender identity disorder suddenly appeared within the DSM IV and became billable by clinicians and doctors, and the introduction of the DSM 5's gender dysphoria, which permitted treatment to be financially reimbursed by insurance and Medicaid.

How does one makes sense of this tidal wave of the Trans Deception? Follow the money... follow the agenda... follow when these providers could start billing for these "treatments," and you'll see how this all laid the foundation for an entire niche industry. And, it's become quite lucrative for them. Easy to proclaim you are compassionate, when you are making money off encouraging treatment which will necessitate life-long treatments, including moving toward expensive surgeries ($$$$$).
Sadly, these professionals have made money off the health, welfare, and emotional vulnerability & confusion of naive and trusting young people (most of whom have either been previously sexually manipulated and/or abused, or fall on the autism spectrum... thus, are easily manipulated, as they have difficulty with their intuition). And, they've made grooming all the easier for some of the most sophisticated of sexual predators. That is simply unconscionable!
Is there anything we can point to that was introduced into the popular youth culture, on or around the launch of either the DSM-IV or DSM-5 (which respectively permitted billing for gender identity treatment starting in 2000, then gender dysphoria starting in 2013), that seems to have had just such a noticeable effect? Is there any things we can pin point that correlates to when such treatments became billable?
And, when you unmask this movement, it becomes clear that there are some very agenda-driven "special interests" behind this deception.  

What is one of the key Red Flags you look for when assessing whether you are dealing with a cult.? You look for how members of that group treat someone who has decided it is in their best interest to no longer continue to be devoted or "all in." Where as a normal group or Movement will want the best for each person, not so with those involved in a cult, especially those who were benefitting financially or in some other way off the young persons "loyalty" or continued adherence or participation. With the Trans Deception, it is all the more telling, given the "price of admission" into the community of family is physical, mental, emotional, and financial. Unlike any other group of professionals, medical doctors should always want what is in the patience best interest, and be supportive of their own autonomous decisions. But, pull back the curtain, and you see something far different happens to those young people who decide transitioning is no longer what they want for themselves.

Few understand what the most nefarious of all forces are that propel the Trans Deception. Ultimately, it is propelled by porn-saturated deviant men, who have descended through the predictable stages of lust and deviance, finally transitioning into child pornography. Pedophiles are NOT the result of either nature, nurture, or developmental brain anomalies. It is the result of men following very predictable paths of lust, which transitions into progressive levels of deviance. The process and descent has always been the same for fallen men; however, the process became supercharged with the advent of porn, then with the internet.

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11+ years working intensively with 1000s of incarcerated sex offenders found that 100% of child predators were deeply saturated in progressively heinous child-rape porn... which is why 100% of them, once arrested, are charged with possession of child porn (and 98% are also charged with the distribution of child porn). This is what the Trans Activists have sought to keep away from the public, as they know... if the public truly understood that the men who are dressing in women's underwear, demanding access to the restrooms and locker rooms of women and children, and those who play dress-up in drag and furries do so to gain direct access to kids... if the public ever found out that it is deviant lust that propels such men in women's underwear... that such men long to re-enact what they spend hours looking at online behind closed doors... they know that all public sympathies ad support would evaporate overnight. That is why they fight so hard to silence that message, and to fight against anyone who would dare assert that men, deviantly dressing in women's underwear, are still men.  This is why the backlash against JK Rowling

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When you pull back the curtain on "transgender clinics," the truth becomes all too clear about their profound indifference and professional negligence... as they are simply motivated by money and their social agenda (which increases their cash flow).  What's it like behind the carefully crafted PR spin of Planned Parenthood, which now has transgender medicine as its primary focus for business?
Here's a first-hand look:
"Gender Therapists" inevitably do a horrible job with the most basics of helping young people explore what is really at the root of their issues. Why? Because, the entire ruse... that there is "gender fluidity"... would fall a part, as young people would be helped to identify what the root causes of their confusion. 
Any competent therapist, who works with young people, knows that if a child or teen has become fixated on their body and issues of sex and sexuality, something deeper is going on within them.  
In the following video, Elle does an excellent job in highlighting the issues that were in play, which were left unaddressed prior to her starting hormones. Some key points in the video are at the following marks: 6:00, 11:00, and 15:30 (note the mental health profile so commonly found among these young people... which are being willfully ignored by those pushing the Trans Deception).
Again, another powerful personal recounting of the regrets and struggles from being allowed to transition when she in her early teens. Those pushing this deception are fully aware that these teens are emotionally vulnerable, and they use that to fast-track them, as they are easily manipulated. As Elle says (at the 8:25 mark), 
"I think that that is the big mistake of letting children and teenagers transition...  is that [they] simply have a one-tracked mind for those who are into this ideology."
These young people are being manipulated into making decisions which will leave them with profound regrets later on (9:00 mark)... if they ever stop and become honest with themselves in the way Elle has in this video. And, she is exactly correct, as she describes how many people & systems let this happen to her!

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Many young people are unnecessarily influenced toward transitioning by "gender therapists," peer pressure,  social media, and medical professionals who stand to profit off the young person becoming a patient. In the following video, Ryan discusses why she went back to being a female. Her advice to young people is important.

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The Cult-like aspects of this grand man-made psychological deception must be understood, as the influence and hold on the young person is the same, yet with even more profoundly damaging life-long consequences, such as life-long health problems and sterility.
As you continue to scroll further down this blog, you will read about the realities of what is happening in Canada, and how this Trans Deception is being used to not just drive a wedge between parents and children (one of the primary methods of recruitment used by sophisticated cults), but to actually eradicate parental authority.  However, it is important to view the following at this point, in order to gain additional insight into this nefarious agenda, in order to appreciate the importance of what you will read as you continue to down this blog post.
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What are some little known realities pushing the narrative of "non-offending" pedophiles, which lays the foundation for the myth of "gender fluidity", and is integrated into "Comprehensive Sex Education" now being pushed on elementary school kids?
Jenn Smith (a legitimate Trans, who's mission is to keep Canadian kids from being medically transitioned) & I sat down to cover the most important aspects of what has contributed to the Trans Deception.
Day 1: The role pornography plays in sexual offending and pedophilia  Pt. 1

Day 1: The role pornography plays in sexual offending and pedophilia  Pt. 2

Day 2: Who & what is behind the push to normalize Pedophilia?  Pt. 1

Day 2: Who & what is behind the push to normalize Pedophilia?  Pt. 2

Day 2: Who & what is behind the push to normalize Pedophilia?  Pt. 3

Day 3: Are Transgender Children Being Preyed upon?  Pt. 1

Day 3: Are Transgender Children Being Preyed upon?  Pt. 2

Pedophiles have counted on good people to fall for their tactics at rebranding their darkened intensions and objective... unfettered access to kids. They have used the Trans Deception as their ultimate Trojan Horse; however, there are a number of tactics they are using to achieve their ends.  They are using deceptive and fraudulent "academic research," "Comprehensive Sex Education" (to introduce abject perversion to young school-aged kids), social media. and TV programming. But, they also have elected to utilize social unrest and agitation to achieve their goals, as they know that unsuspecting policy-makers will capitulate to many of their demands.  

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Before I analyze the above referenced video (My Reasons for De-transitioning), produced by a brave woman who is De-transitioning, I offer the following videos and articles to help with context... to assist with clearly laying out the case that the Trans Movement is the world's most strategically planned and nefariously marketed deception targeted at vulnerable young people to ever have been launched. It is the ultimate in Trojan Horse tactics. 

Parents and young people must see what it being foisted upon them, the degree to which they are being deceived, and the extent to which life-long harm is being perpetrated upon trusting and confused kids and young adults. 
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What is the dirty little secret behind the man-made psychological deception of "gender fluidity, comprehensive sex education being pushed in schools, MAPs, "Non-offending" pedophiles, and the Trans Deception?
An Email sent to Howard Melnick (featured in this brief video clip) on 5-30-2020: 
"I am doing research into Kinsey's original experiments with kids. I would like to be able to see copies of the parental permission slips (signed releases) from the parents of the kids used in the experiments. And, I would like to have a list of the names of the kids, as I am interested in doing follow-up interviews with them now as adults. Also, what follow-up did Kinsey do with the young subjects after his experiments? I look forward to seeing that information. If you don't have that information, who would be the person that would? Respectfully, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, SurvivorSupport.net
So, what kind of man makes this the focus of his life-long interest? Care to allow that to sink in? He is counting on people figuring out what is behind such "interest." That would be like someone now collecting the kinds of things sexual deviants and predators stashed their illegal porn in, and keeping the secret thumb drives filled with illegal porn... so he could look at them and appear as though he is a researcher.  That would be like a man claiming he merely collects Playboy magazines for the historic value of them. 

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This Agenda is multi-facetted, and has a number of strategic objectives, as it moves the ball toward the end zone.

So, what will happen when those pushing the Trans Deception realize you've caught on to their recruitment efforts? They'll seek to have you silenced.

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What's behind this entire nefarious ruse? How long has this been in the planning? What underlies all of this man-made psychological deceptive Movement?
Unpacking the grand lie upon which the Trans Deception rests is important to understanding what the ultimate end-game is, and ho it is being used as simply another piece of the chess game.
Once you begin to "connect the dots", this entire nefarious ruse makes sense. No one does that better than Dr. Judith Reisman, Ph.D.
The raw truth from one of the first wave of transitioners... openly revealing her regrets. It is a must watch, as it reveals the harm knowingly being covered up by those pushing the Trans Deception.

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This is a key part of the Predator's Game Plan. Parents, take heed!
Why haven't I ever heard from a single "Gender Therapist willing to speak out against kink? Because this is not only what they not only harmonize with, but ultimately will influence young people toward... as these "therapists" influence their vulnerable clients toward such "inner sexual freedom." That is why not a single "gender therapist" has been willing to speak out with me against such diabolically dark sexual deviance. This is what lies behind their deceptive facade.
The dirty little secret is that not a single Trans Activist will denounce porn! The significance of that must be understood, as it really unmasks what this dark deceptive movement being foisted upon vulnerable kids is really all about. It is about preying upon young kids, grooming them, crossing their sexual boundaries, and exploiting them. That is why not a single leader of this diabolical Movement refuses to denounce porn and highlight its dangers! Parents... that is the elephant in the middle of the room!

Those who are paying attention will notice that the Trans Deception is being pushed by the same individuals who are pushing porn as something "harmless," Kink as something harmless, drag kids as something harmless, and men playing dress-up in women's underwear & drag, or dressing up as Furries, in order to gain direct access to kids as something harmless. And, these are the same individuals who are also pushing Sex Week onto college campuses. These are all different venues toward achieving the same goals: blurring sexual boundaries, decreasing an intuitive sense of what is normal vs. deviant, inverting morals, and dismantling a person's ability to discern what is normal vs. predatorial.  The following two podcasts will help shed light on how the same kinds of predators within the Trans Movement are also making their way onto college campuses. 
The Dangers of College Sex Week
Do Sexual Predators Target Colleges Which Teach Students Kink and 50 Shades?

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Men in women's underwear and drag expect to be taken seriously. Seriously?

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What do Predators and their Apologists understand about normal people, about decent people? That normal people want to give others the benefit of the doubt. So, Predators will use that to their advantage. They are masters of spin, and masters of manipulation, causing otherwise bright adults to disbelieve what's right in front of their face. Predators understand the power of impression management, where decent people can be convinced to reframe what is clearly dark into something harmless and "educational"... then will allow kids to access it. Notice anything in the following paragraph? Does it sound like how "Comprehensive Sex Education" is being sold to parents as something positive, instead of what it really is... grooming through saturation in perversion.  And, based upon the following pictures, what kind of "Mentoring" would be going on inside this LGBT community Center's "gender neutral safe space restroom? Couldn't be what it looks like right?
"Once Upon a Time was restored and opened to the public in 2012. Anyone who wishes can enter the light-filled room and, as the receptionist noted, stay as long as they like within the bounds of the Community Center’s hours (between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday). The space is now more of a monument than a working bathroom—the sinks and stalls were removed in the ’80s—and it can accommodate a good number of people who come daily to sit, dance, and even do their homework under Haring’s happy, sex-positive iconography."

View more of Keith Haring's work, to see the mind of a very dangerous child predator, who obviously has been able to avoid being tracked by law enforcement while he's online behind closed doors.  Welcome to the kinds of adults who are pushing to gain direct access to kids... to teach them "Comprehensive Sex Education"... otherwise known as child grooming in sex offender treatment.
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The following interview offers a look at the phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, and the unusual degree of pushback by Activists to silence research into where this phenomenon originated. Serious questions are raised during this important discussion regarding why there is such rabid opposition by Trans Activists over raising reasonable questions about a sudden push to move kids toward sex change treatments. Why would certain select "special interests" be interested in ensuring there is no scrutiny of this, given the life-altering impact sex change will have on young people, including permanent sterilization and serious health complications?

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Elle does an excellent job describing the myriad of emotions and issues that she buried as a young teen by transitioning. If only she had been afforded counseling with a therapist who could have normalized her feelings... explored some of the deeper issues... she would have been saved from the regrets she is now having to wrestle with as a young adult.  

There is nothing about transitioning that will help solve the real issues deep down inside. These young people need support, and a safe place to explore their feelings, especially if there has been sexual grooming or abuse. What these young people need is a competent professional who can normalize what they are going through in terms of the confusion they are feeling, let them know that they can disclose any abuse if any has happened.  

And, they a safe adult to reassure them that adolescence is filled with confusion, but that the intensity of the confusion will subside if they take steps to develop their relationship skills, their communication skills, their problem solving skills, their ability to set healthy boundaries, to be able to discern between healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, and to come to discover and develop their strengths, gifts, abilities, and their sense of purpose... instead of sending them down the path of medical transitioning.
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Thousands of young adults are starting to 

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This is a cult-like deception being foisted upon perfectly healthy but emotionally troubled and vulnerable youth. There was NOTHING wrong with this beautiful young woman, but someone took advantage of her confusion, no doubt never pursued the reasons why she wanted to erase the girl she saw looking back at her in the mirror. So, now she sees an image, which can only be maintained as long as she medically interferes with her endocrine system, and pumps chemicals into her body. Welcome to the Trans Deception, foisted upon vulnerable youth.

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So, the Trans Pushers claim they are acting based upon the best interest of kids, and based upon sound science. Really? Well, nothing could be further from the truth, as you will hear from this private school head master.
A legitimate Movement doesn't need to adopt authoritarian tactics to shove their ides down the throats of educators, and doesn't act in subversive fashion when it comes to keeping information from parents. No, only a cult and Predator Apologists do that.
This is a nefarious Agenda, that cannot stand up to legitimate scrutiny. So, they use the force of government and threats to silence opposition and silence those who would dare raise concerns. These are totalitarian tactics!
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This Agenda must be stopped, lest they gain access to all children of school age, and separate children from their parents... first in terms of influence, then, in terms of actual custody if necessary. Think that couldn't happen. Talk to the father in Canada who has been threatened with serious consequences if he "misgenders" his own child.

The Predatory nature and totalitarian-like tactics used by those pushing this agenda (and, yes, I have had my professional license investigated because of claims that I am homophobic and transphobic), should tell us all we need to know. But, take one look at the skyrocketing numbers of kids being referred for sex change treatments, and you know this is being pushed by those who stand to profit from those who can bill for such "treatments"... which will leave children sterilized, and scarred for life... psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

This grand man-made psychological deception must be countered. It is based upon the lie of "Gender Fluidity", and pushes the recently contrived concept of Gender Dysphoria, which was virtually never diagnosed 20 years ago. This is a man-made deception, designed to manipulate vulnerable kids, being pushed by unethical "special interests" $$$$... and, sophisticated Predators.
So, what happens when you challenge the carefully crafted narrative of the Trans Deception? Deceptive individuals, who are either Agenda-driven individuals or simply grand deceivers... will start to come out of the woodwork... daring to be so bold and so shameless, and willing to stoop so low, so as to hold themselves out to be mental health professionals and counseling agency directors. Since they have become used to good people backing off in the face of such bravado, they don't think they will be called on such lies, such deceptive posturing... and, they certainly don't anticipate being challenged to a public debate from someone who knows how much of a ruse they are pushing. They are so brazen so as to wax eloquently on social media... until invited to explain a few simply assessment questions and invited to a live Facebook debate.  Once their bluff is called, you can watch them morph into snide and slanderous predator apologists, who simply expose themselves as frauds. 
As you read James Spencer's response to my challenge to him (below)... notice how he simply becomes snide, and does all he can to avoiding taking me up on my offer to debate the subject live. James Spencer (likely not his name, as he hides 100% of his identity online... like the cowardly Predator Apologist he is) is simply another in a long line of such grand deceivers, who have postured on my social media, either claiming to be a Survivor or a therapist (and some have claimed to be psychiatrists). They just don't count on someone knowledgable calling their bluff. That is what the information presented on the blog is so valuable, as it will equip you with the truth about the Trans Deception.
Since 2018, not one "gender therapist" or "professional", who pushes this deception, has taken me up on the opportunity for a live podcast discussion. I hope one will some day, as the public would benefit hearing that exchange. They have an open invitation to explain how they work with such kids, and how they do assessments, and what red flags they look for regarding sexual abuse. They can contact me either on this blog, or at SurvivorSupport.net.

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As any trained therapist should be inclined to do, it was natural for me to start "connecting the dots" to see what might be behind this sudden issue with "gender confusion," which was being used to move kids toward the sex change treatments.

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The Law Suits Are Starting!

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The reality is that this has come out of no where, as this was essentially unheard of as little as 20 years ago within the field of mental health. I challenge anyone to try to find any grad textbooks from the early 1990s that even mention the issue. You will likely come up empty handed. Why? Because the great minds in the field of mental health, psychology, and psychiatry knew better.

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It wasn't until changes were made by some very calculating agenda-driven individuals that issues of gender confusion began to surface... then gender identity surfaced... then gender dysphoria appeared. Then, like an invisible but aggressive pandemic virus, suddenly a massive world-wide wave sweeps over the youth of the world.

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Parents risk being found guilty of child abuse for "Misgendering" their own child if the Trans Deception and those nefarious deceivers aren't countered.

What is really happening with within the Trans Deception? Grooming. How does it work? How do Predators use a group, an organization, or a Movement to accomplish grooming? 
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An important side-note and detour is offered at this point... 

The following posts will add additional context toward understanding why I am so concerned about the Trans Deception. Unless the following is understood, it will be difficult to fully appreciate what the various De-transitioners reference (featured further down in this blog) when they mention the effects of the trauma they suffered was not addressed by their "gender therapists." There is a reason why such "gender therapists" don't want parents and young people understanding what I will share in the following (we'll pick back up the topic of missed Red Flags on the other side of this important parenthetical moment) :

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In addition to the mental, emotional, and psychological harm of this deception on the physical, emotional, and psychological health of young people (though that would be sufficient enough for me to issue the same warning), there's an equally dangerous aspect of this Movement that few are discussing. Using the success and momentum realized from pushing this on to teens, this same man-made manufactured myth...
the greatest psychological lie next to MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons... AKA Men who Lust After Kids due to extensive porn use), is being used to push another part of this agenda by means of shaping and manipulating public opinion, public policy, and even legal judgements in a horribly dangerous direction, which ultimately has served to place children and women at risk.

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The pathway into pedophilia has always been the same... lust-filled men who move through stages lust, into objectification, into deviance, into barely legal, into "dominance", then bondage, then degrading, then sadistic, then malevolence, then bestiality, then children, then defiling, then traumatizing. Porn and the internet have supercharged that process.

Here is the video by Derrick Jensen... at least until they remove it again...

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Think "Comprehensive Sex Education" and "gender fluidity" just happened to make its way into elementary school curriculum? Think Kinsey was a noble researcher, and the Kinsey Institute an objective research organization? Why has the Kinsey Institute repeatedly ignored my requests for them to release proof of the parental permission granted for each child used in the following "experiments"?

It should be noted that I never received a response from any of the following sent directly to their Twitter account.

Others are connecting the dots of how kids are being influenced...

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Dr. James Cantor refused to respond to the question, and he simply left the discussion.

How nefarious are "Minor Attracted" men? They'll claim to be "Non-offending", yet look at just how many have shared this photo.
Pedophiles will take the pictures of other peoples' kids, and use them to photo shop them into porn, then will "please themselves" to the image of the child being raped.
This is the population that some "academic scholars" want to push in terms of gaining acceptance as a sexual orientation.

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Predators love sexualizing kids, as it makes their grooming so much easier
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